Main Instrument Panel Control Board
MIP 737 von CP Flight
It is not relevant the sequence in the daisy-chain modules connection.
Each module has two 5 pole plugs,
one cable is connected to the previous module and the second plug
allows connecting the successive one.
The MCP only have a single 5 pole connector as it function
as a Master and manage signals for all other
modules (see Figure 2). | |
The power supply for the MIP737 board (also supply the connected LED’s) can be settled in two ways.
Referring to the below Figure 2 if you insert the jumper “B” to the Right (E) the power comes
directly from the MCP737 through the daisy-chain (default setting). If you insert the jumper “B” to the Left (I) the power comes from the supply plug (Figure 3“A”).
The necessity of an external supply it depends by the total load on the daisy chain. In most of applications an
external supply is not required; with an high number of modules on the daisy chain (2 EFI737, 2 NAV737, 2
COM737, 1 ATC737 and 1 ADF737) the use of an external supply is advisable.
The characteristics of the external supply adapter (if needed) are:
Voltage: maximum range 6 to 12Vdc (optimal 7,5 to 9Vdc)
Current capability: at least 300mA
Connection: standard 2,1mm plug, positive inner. |
WARNING! Do not invert the supply polarity as you can
burn-out the MIP737 built-in voltage regulator. See draw:
If you use an external supply adapter place the “I/E” jumper to the “I” position. When powered by a supply
adapter the MIP737 board has to be powered before to connect the supply to the MCP. |
Terminal block for LED’s are arranged in groups (see Figure 4). Where possible each group drive LED’s of a specific area, but due to the number of LED supported by each group (8) there are some exceptions. Groups are subdivided as follows:
Group A (terminals 1 to 10): Captain side glare-shield
Group B (terminals 11 to 20): Captain side Main Panel (excluding “STAB OUT OF TRIM” lamp)
Group C (terminals 21 to 40): Center Panel (+ “STAB OUT OF TRIM” lamp)
Group D (terminals 41 to 50): Copilot side Main Panel
Group E (terminals 51 to 60): Copilot side glare-shield
To connect the LED you have to respect the polarity. The LED has an Anode (referred as “A” in the tables) and a Cathode (referred as “K” in the tables). To identify the polarity look on the terminals of the LED; the Anode pin is a little longer than the cathode. Also in the round LED’s, the Cathode pin is identified by a little flat area on the LED plastic body. | |
Each terminal block group has independent Anode for each single LED and a common pole to connect all
Cathodes together. The common pole dispose of two terminal block (see figures on next pages).
To better spread the light in some case you will need to place two LED’s on a single annunciator. This can
be done connecting the two LED’s in series (use high efficiency and low drop voltage LED’s). The two LED’s will have less brightness respect a single one, but the sum of the two and the better spread can give better results. Make tests…
If you need to test your connections without having to run Project Magenta (and generate the
warning condition to light the LED) you may do it using the TestMip.exe utility. Download at:
IMPORTANT! To allow the Glass Cockpit display selection controlled by the MIP737 board (MAIN
PANEL DU’s, LOWER PANEL DU switches etc), Project Magenta Glass Cockpit software has to be
settled in extended mode (F6). Select the extended mode, disable the unused elements and resize displays.
The board has 59 digital input and 2 encoder input for switches, rotary switches and pushbutton. The inputs
are arranged in groups (see Figure 5). Each group control a specific area with some exceptions as follow:
Group A (terminals 1 to 10): Captain side glare-shield
Group B (terminals 7 to 26): Captain side Main Panel (terminals 13 to 16 also attend to Copilot side)
Group C (terminals 27 to 54 and 61 to 66): Center Panel
Group D (terminals 70 to 80): Copilot side Main Panel
Group E (terminals 55 to 60): Copilot side glare-shield
Some of the MIP devices have pilot-light and button switch built in a single unit (for example the A/P–A/TFMC disconnect warnings). You may build these assembling in several way, in the picture of Figure 6 you can see an assembly for this area using OMRON pushbutton + lamp. The lamp has been substituted with two separate LED’s, For information you may see below the OMRON part code for this switch assembly, in any case there are many manufacturer for similar indicator-switch (EAO, Honeywell, Rafi, Moeller etc), and also you can realise the part using separate pushbutton and LED. |
The above draw shows how to connect LED’s and pushbutton for the Captain side glare-shield. Note that
each LED anode “A” is wired to a single terminal block; all cathodes are wired together and connected to a
common cathode terminal. There are two terminals dedicated to the common cathode, you can indifferently
use one, the other or both (if you mean to wire the LED cathode in two groups).
The glare pushbuttons allow the acknowledgment of warnings. Depending by the current alarm status the
pushbutton action shut-down the warning, get steady a flashing light or extinguish a warning signal. Note that
the 6 warning lamp indication plate also have pushbutton function. Pushing the button the warning extinguish
while pushing again you recall the warning status again and the lamp will illuminate if the warning condition
still persist. Functioning and logics in the warnings acknowledgment/recall is managed by Project Magenta
software. |
The above draw show how to connect LED’s and switches for the Captain Panel. Consider the same
concepts of glare-shield section for LED connection. The “BELOW GS/P INHIBIT” pushbutton
acknowledgement (if any) is in common with the Copilot side (terminals 68/69).
About inputs, note that in the multi-position switches (rotary or toggle) always there is an unconnected
pole/position. For example the “Lower DU” selector is a 3 position rotary switch (refer to the above draw), but 2 position only are connected to the board (as well as the common pole). The third position is given by
default when the rotary switch do not close any pole and lie on the unconnected position. The same concept
must be applied to all other multi-position switches (see also “Function Defining” table forwards in this
manual. In detail the selected functions for each control when positioned to the unconnected pole are:
LOWER DU selector: “ENG PRI”
LIGHT SEL three position switch: “BRT” |
The above draw shows how to connect LED’s for the Center Panel. Consider the same concepts of previous sections for LED connection. Each driver group is arranged to drive 8 light. The captain panel requires 9 LED, so the “STAB OUT OF TRIM” light terminal is located in the Center panel group (terminal no. 23) also if related to the Captain panel. The related cathode should be wired to the Common Cathode 3 (terminal 21 or 22) together with other Center panel lights (see above draw). |
In the multi-position switches (rotary or toggle) the unconnected
position select the missed item of the related control. In detail the
selected function for each control when positioned to the
unconnected pole are:
N1 SET selector: “2”
FUEL FLOW 3 position switch: “RATE”
LANDING GEAR 3 position switch: “OFF”
AUTOBRAKE selector: “RTO”
SPD REF selector: “AUTO”
Considerations about SPD and N1 SET on the next page… |
The above draw show how to connect LED’s and switches for the Copilot Panel. Consider the same
concepts of previous section for LED connection. The “BELOW GS/P INHIBIT” pushbutton acknowledgement (if any) also attends the Captain side; connect the two pushbuttons in parallel. Note that in this area the rotary switches (MAIN DU’s and LOWER DU) are reverse connected respect the Captain side; this because the switches are mirrored; where on the Captain side you leave unconnected the first counter-clockwise position, on the Copilot side the unconnected position has to be on the last clockwise position. The selected function when the switches lie to the unconnected pole is:
LOWER DU selector: “ENG PRI” |
The above draw shows the connections for the Copilot side glare-shield. Consider the same concepts of
previous section for LED connection. The glare pushbuttons allow the acknowledgment of warnings. Depending by the current alarm status the pushbutton action shut-down the warning horn, get steady a flashing light, extinguish or recall a warning signal. |
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wir sind eine Gruppe von 6 Flugenthusiasten davon haben oder hatten alle einen ATPL zwei flogen für Lufthansa
AntwortenLöschenDa man aber immer ein bißchen verrückt bleibt wollen wir im Großraum Karlsruhe einen MP Simulator (fixed Base) 100 % Boeing 737-800 NG installieren. Der Simualtor wäre komplett FAA zertifiziert und lieg im 7 stelligen Preisbereich. Eine eigene (so tolle Seite wie die Deine) Internetseite ist mir derzeit zuviel arbeit. Glaubst Du das Du einen entsprechenden Interessenkreis anspricht?
Zur Zeit denken wir auch darüber nach Simulator Zeit incl. Instructor mit Lufthansa Erfahrung an zu bieten.
viele Grüße
Hallo Willy,
AntwortenLöschenfinde das super was Ihr da uf die beine stellt - gibt es auch bilder? Gerne kannst du mir auf meine email adresse schreiben: - so kann man sich austauschen. Viele Grüße
AntwortenLöschenwoher hast du die Kabel, mit denen du alles angeschlossen hast?